The other day, a good friend asked me a question. She was wondering how I defined reaching your peak, which is a phrase I use quite often in my business (obviously!). For her, the idea of “reaching your peak” had a connotation similar to being past your prime. “Once you reach your peak, isn’t all that’s left downhill?”
That got me thinking…..
One of the things I always like to do when I begin working with clients is have them participate in a writing exercise. I ask them to spend some focused, reflection time defining productivity, organization, time management and work-life balance. I am no asking them to remember how the dictionary defined it, nor how they define it for their team members, their life partners or their business partners. I charge them with defining it for their unique selves, in the present moment.
It often shocks them that they have never taken the time to put pen to paper and explore these concepts, to get clear on what they are striving for in these areas of their business and life.
How do you define these concepts?
How have these definitions changed for you since becoming a parent, a leader, a business owner?
How has the pandemic impacted your meaning behind these ideals?
If you take the time to get clear on your unique meanings behind – and goals related to – these concepts, how might that change the lense through which you measure your progress?
Does “reaching your peak ” mean something unique to you?
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