This summer at Peak Productivity, we have added some new, valuable tools to our coaching “toolbox”. In June, Elisabeth Galperin [owner of Peak Productivity], became certified in DISC! This tool is helping us get to know our clients better, and to recognize...
Anyone who is familiar with team sports is also familiar with the concept of a playbook. For those of you who aren’t, here is a simple definition: playbook: a book or collection containing detailed descriptions of the plays that a player or team may run in...
Clutter is postponed decisions. My mentor, Barbara Hemphill, coined this phrase over 40 years ago. The truth came to her as she worked in a client’s clothing closet, watching as the woman spiraled into indecision. “If I am ever invited to a black tie affair, I would...
PRIORITY [prahy-awr-i-tee] the right to precede others in order, rank, privilege [noun]precedence [noun]highest in importance, rank [adjective] Here is some food for thought I’d like to offer: Priority is a singular term. It literally means the highest, the ONE...
“How have you been?” – “So Busy! ” “What’s new with you?” – “Just super busy!” No matter how I phrase the question, the response seems to be the same these days. B-U-S-Y. Perhaps for some it is an...
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